Department of Anatomical Pathology was established in 1952, chaired by dr. M. Bambang Soetarso. At that time, the department was still merged with the Department of Legal Medicine, led by dr. M. Bambang Soetarso and dr. Moch. Saleh. These two departments were the separated in 1954, but still located in the same building in Mangkubumen. Three years later, the departments were moved to Pugeran Hospital and situated in a multi-floor building. This department was located in the ground floor and the second floorwas partly used for practical session and museum. Along with the relocation of Faculty of Medicine, in June 1983 the Department of Anatomical Pathology was moved to Sekip and placed into a new twostorey building. After the construction of Radiopoetro Building was finished in 2004, the department was relocated once more to this new building andlocated on the fourth floor. As a tribute for his major contribution in science, the name of Prof. dr. M. Bambang Soetarso is used as the name of a lecture room in the second flood of the Auditorium building.

Many achievements have been obtained for the last 70 years. The first cancer registry in Indonesia was pioneered by dr. Soeripto by doing populationbased registry in Srandakan, Bantul, in 1980-1983. The department also sent some staff abroad to upgrade their knowledge and skills in specific fields. dr. Harijadi took a short course on nasopharyngeal cancer in The Netherlands and France. Dr. FX Ediati Triningsih took clinical autopsy courses in Singapore, insitu hybridization course in England, and hygiene and tropical medicine in Japan. In 1977, dr. Prijono Tirto Projo took fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) course in Antonie van Leeuwenhoek University and Leiden University, The Netherlands. In 1985, dr. Totok Utoro, obtained his DMed Sci degree from Kobe University, Japan. The knowledge and skills obtained abroad were expanded continuously into routine and semi-routine procedures in providing service and research.

Nowadays, the Department of Anatomical Pathology has become one of centers of excellencein pathological diagnosis, education, and research in Indonesia. Along with the innovation from histomorphology era to molecular-genetic era, the department always keeps up and takes part in scientific development of medical technology. In pathological diagnosis, the department  provides many molecular-genetic tests using immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization (ISH), conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and real-time PCR technique, other than routine procedures for histomorphology and cytomorphology. In 2015, the department has become one of centers of excellence inimmunohistochemical examination in Indonesia.

Despite actively participating in graduate student program, the department also offers education program to become anatomical pathology specialist and subspecialist. The department currently nurtures 19 residency doctors. That number increases steadily by year. The department also provides training for anatomical pathology laboratory analysts from other regions in Indonesia.

For researchers from other institutions, we provide services, such as paraffin block making, routine HE staining, histochemical staining, immunohistochemical staining, PCR, and result interpretation. In order to improve diagnostic services, education, and research, the department develops international collaborations. Currently, the department is collaborating with Kobe University, Kyoto University, Hyogo University Japan, and Universitair Medish Centrum Groningen, The Netherlands for joint research and knowledge-technology transfer.

Service -Research Excellence Area

  • Pathological Diagnosis
  • Immunohistochemical staining using various antibodies: cytokeratin, vimentin, ER, PR,HER2, LCA, CD20, CD3, CD1a, desmin, S100, chromogranin, synaptophysin, NSE, Ki67, and many others
  • In situ hybridization for breast cancer
  • Liquid based cytology
  • PCR and real time PCR examination
  • Genetic analysis for colorectal and lung cancer (EGFR and ALL RAS mutation)
  • HBV and HCV detection
  • HPV genotyping
  • Education
  • Accredited “A” for education of specialist physician
  • Research
  • Mutation analysis in dystrophin gene of Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy
  • Role of P13K and RAS pathway in astrocytoma
  • BRCA-1 mutation in breast cancer
  • Molecular subtype of breast cancer
  • Clonality test and chromosomal translocation in lymphoid neoplasm
  • EGFR and ALK mutation in lung cancer
  • All RAS and RAF mutation in colorectal cancer
  • C-kit mutation in gastrointestinal stromal tumor
  • Molecular epidemiology of HBV, HCV, GBV-C, and TTV
Year Important Achievement
1952 Department of Anatomical Pathologyand Legal Medicine established
1954 Department of Anatomical Pathology established as a separate department
1983 Moved to UGM campus in Sekip
1995 Immunohistochemical staining examination started
2004 Laboratory in Anatomical Pathology established in Radiopoetro Building
2010 ISH examination conducted
2012 PCR examination started
2014 Liquid based cytology started
2015 Center of excellence in molecular examination for breast cancer. Real-time PCR examination started
2016 HPV genotyping test started

Department of Anatomy (previously called the Department of Anatomy, Embryology and Anthropology) was established in 1946 in Klaten and chaired by Prof Drs R. Radiopoetro. In 1949, the Department of Anatomy was moved to Mangkubumen and in 1980, the department moved once again to a new integrated campus in Sekip.

This department has a long journey in “Tri Dharma” which consists of education, research and public service. In education, Anatomy as a main basic science in medicine plays an important role in the development of curriculum and learning method. In the old days, students had the opportunity to do cadaver dissection in cadaver. Nowadays, prosection method is applied in teaching anatomy. Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) give influence in driving innovation in Anatomy. Almost all academic staff always contribute to curriculum development and become Block Coordinator Team in this PBL era.Basic anatomy is given for the first year student,continued with clinically oriented anatomy approach for the second and third year medical student.This department also produces many learning resources such as books, atlas, mannequin and replicas. Beyond Universitas Gadjah Mada, the Department of Anatomy also pioneers innovation in learning-teaching system in other Faculties of medicine in Indonesia, such as as in the University of Hasanuddin, University of Sriwijaya, University of Diponegoro, Universitas Negeri Surakarta, University of Syah Kuala, and University of Lambung Mangkurat, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesian Islamic University and University of Tadulako. This department also contributes to postgraduate and and clinical specialist education, such as in neurology, oral surgery, forensic, obstetrics and gynecology, earnose-throat, and surgery.

Department of Anatomy has been internationally recognized as a research center in Anthropology, especially with the presence of Biopaleoanthropology laboratory led by Prof. dr. T. Jacob. Other faculty members, such as Prof. Soemijati Ahmad, dr Rismanto, dr Suryadi, dr Mansyur Romi conducted embryology and genetic research. Prof Soedjono Aswin established neuroanatomy and neuroscience research which is now continued by Dr Dwi Cahyani Ratna Sari. Prof Soebijanto, Dr. A. Pratiknya and Dr Djoko Prakosa established macroanatomy science, continued by dr. Dwi Yatmo and dr Santosa Budiharjo. Dr Djoko Prakosa was pioneering the development of Bengkel Anatomy to provide medical learning resources in the application of anatomy science. Recently, Molecular medicine, translationalresearch and clinically applied anatomy are being conducted at Department of Anatomy, initiated by the younger staff such as, dr Arfian, dr Junaedy, dr.Dian Prasetyo and dr Yana. Translational research and molecular medicine also become essential development in anatomy research. Development of disease model based on anatomical science combined with molecular approach poses a great challenge to improve research in Anatomy department, Faculty of Medicine.

Community service activities are carried out through implementation in fitness and renal health awareness programs, anatomy museum exhibition, health counseling and promotion, and collaboration with other professional and non-government organizations.

Year Important Achievement
2010 Atlas of Anatomy produced
2013 Microanatomy Laboratory developed to support anatomy science related research using immunostaining, genomic and proteomic methods.
2014 Mannequins developed, combining strain gauge sensor for gynaecological and digital rectal examination.
2016 Atlas of Anatomy with 360 degrees rotational approach software developed for Cardiovascularrespiratory

Our vision is to be an excellent center of education, research and service in Anesthesia in the Asean region by 2019. To achieve this, our mission are to offer innovative specialist education in Anesthesia and professional guidance for the anesthesist to produce quality human resources, to maintain the quality outcome of anesthesiologist through an educational process that fits to the national curriculum standards, to promote community service in the form of training and consultancy to meet the health needs of the community, to develop curriculum together with all centers of Anesthesia Education in Indonesia based on the development of science and technology, and to develop research. Currently we have eight divisions in the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy, including Intensive Care, Neuroanesthesia, Pediatric Anesthesia, Obstetric Anesthesia, Regional Anesthesia, Pain Management, Emergency and Cardiovascular Anesthesia. Over the last six years five staff have completed their doctoral degree, in the field of neuroanesthesia, obstetric anesthesia and cardiovascular isease.Our center has been appointed as a Center of Obstetric Anesthesia for consultant education program, has now entered the second year. Starting from a hospital-based program, now the program is moving toward a university based education program.

The cardiovascular team has been developed since twenty years ago. In cooperation with the National Hospital Heart Center Harapan Kita in Jakarta, currently our cardiovascular surgical team (consisting of Dr., Ngurah Artika SpAn, KAKV, Dr. Yudo Bhirowo Pratomo, SpAn, KAKV and Dr. Junikurniawati SpAn has been able to carry out cardiac surgery, with tencases per year. The number of patients continues to increase by year.

Pediatric Anesthesia team who worked with the pediatric surgery team was pioneered by Dr. Muhdar Abubakar SpAn, KAP. Currently two pediatric anesthesia consultant joined this team, i.e. Dr. Djajantisari SpAn, KAP and Dr. Yunita Widyastuti SpAn, KAP, PhD. The team has experienced successful surgery for separating conjoined twins several times. The most recent surgery was the liver transplant in cooperation with Kyoto University Hospital, Japan. This team continues to grow. Anesthesia Department is very concerned on patient safety. As a commitment, in collaboration with the Yogyakarta branch of Indonesian Society of Anesthesiologists and Intensive Therapy , a symposium and workshop on complications of anesthesia (SOAC) was offered starting in 2011. With better knowledge and understanding the complications of anesthesia, complications can be minimized and anticipated. The symposium is conducted annualy to attract increased number of participants. In 2013 in conjunction with the 3rd Symposium of Anesthesia Complications, our Journal of Anesthesia Complications has been launched. The journal has been published three times per year, mainly contains the results of research conducted at the Anesthesiology Department. In 2016, the journal started to publish its online version.

Year Important Achievement
1980 Anesthesiology was still a Laboratory in the Surgical Unit.
1981 The first Head of the Laboratory of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care was dr. Muhdar Abubakar SpAn and Head of Functional Implementation Unit (UPF) was dr. Sarosa Pandit H, SpAn.
1982 Laboratory of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (now Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy) officially established
1985 Specialist education program on Anesthesia started.
1989 First resident trained (dr. I Gusti Rai Ngurah R Artika – now consultant on Cardiac Surgery Anesthesia), and officially recognized by the Ministry of Education and Culture as one of the centers for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care residency program.
1998 Department of Anesthesia changed into Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation
2010 The name of department was changed once again to Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy

The Department of Basic and Emergency Nursing was established as a new department in early 2016.The development of this department, however, has started since 1998 when the Department of Nursing was established with basic nursing and emergency nursing were among the divisions. This department consists of ten academic staff members with minimum qualifications of Master degree. All staff members are dedicated to perform teaching, community services and research. Our department consists of two divisions. The first division, Basic Nursing, focuses on knowledge in basic nursing, nursing education and nursing management. Membersof this division initiate seminars, workshops and trainings related to physical assessment system, nursing education, Standardized Nursing Language (SNL), diagnostic reasoning process, and clinical reasoning process.

We work closely with our partner hospitals, such as UGM hospital, Dr. Sardjito Hospital, and Banyumas district hospital to continuously improve patient care as well as teaching clinical practice, and undertake joint research. Together with our partners, we work on several issues such as patient safety issues, patient documentation and staff development through continuous nursing education event (CNE) both for our staff members and staff from our partner hospitals.

Nursing, focuses on knowledge in adult critical care nursing, pre-hospital and intra-hospital care, and disaster nursing. Staff in this department have been actively involved in disaster response team since 1998 up to present. In addition to establish Hospital Disaster Plan, this division also develops standards for palliative care as a guideline to provide care for the community.Training on basic life support and disaster preparedness in community and disaster preparedness training for health professionals are routinely conducted. This division proactively work with professional organizations such as the Indonesian Critical Care Nurses Association, Indonesian Emergency and Disaster Nurses Association, and Disaster Response Unit (DERU)UGM. International collaboration in research activities have been carried out with colleagues from other countries such as Japan, Thailand, and the Netherland. Several publications have been published in international conferences and journals which will enrich the body of knowledge in nursing related to this field.

Year Important Achievement
1998 Basic Nursing Division and Emergency and Critical Care Nursing Division were Part of the Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine
2006 JICA grant on ‘Mobile Rehabilitation by Empowering Local Community To Support Recovery of People Affected by My 27th Earthquake in Bantul District received
2007 JICA grant on the Emergency Response Training for Health Cadres in Disaster Prone Areas in Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia received
2016 Department of Basic and Emergency Nursing established

Great development occurs in Biochemistry department. In research, we develop our laboratory techniques to improve the quality and quantity of researchers. Currently, we apply qPCR, the new molecular technique, for a more effective genetic testing using qPCR. We also attempt to register our MDA diagnostic to ISO certification. In education, this department not only improves the quality of teaching for undergraduate and graduate programs in our institution but also organizes some workshops for academic staff and students from other institutions. The workshops include basic molecular techniques and animal model preparation for nutrigenomic research.

In conducting education, research and community services, the department of Biochemistry actively and continuously collaborates both with institution in Japan (Kobe University) and in Indonesia, such as Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (the Indonesian Institute of Science), and Pusat Studi Pangan dan Gizi (Center for Food and Nutrition) UGM. We encourage our academic staff to participate in scientific and professional organizations such as the Indonesian Association of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Perhimpunan Biokimia dan Biologi Molekuler Indonesia-PBBMI), The Indonesian Association of Medical Nutrition Physician Association (Perhimpunan Dokter Gizi Medik Indonesia-PDGMI), The Indonesian Association of Food Technologists (Perhimpunan Ahli Teknologi Pangan Indonesia-PATPI), and Indonesian Association of Pharmacist (Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia-IAI).

The Department of Biochemistry also actively takes part in the community service activities by sharing knowledge with others, such as through organizing free medical treatment and biochemistry training for high school teachers in Yogyakarta.

Year Important Achievement
2014 Being the first in Indonesia to detect Survival Motor Neuron (SMN) gene deletion in molecular diagnose of Spindle Muscular Atrophy
2014 Publication award for “The Best Ratio of Staff to Publications” received from Faculty of Medicine UGM
2015 A scientific conference of the Indonesian Association of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology organized as an initial step to activate the association after a long vacuum for seven years

BEPH department consists of faculty members who take care of the field of public health lectures in medical undergraduates, Master and PHD in the field of public health, epidemiology, and population health. Dr Mubasysyir Hasanbasri MA and Riris Andono Ahmad MPH PhD are now the chair and the executive secretary of the department. Faculty members include Prof Siswanto Agus Wilopo PhD, Prof Hari Kusnanto DrPH, Prof Mohamad Hakimi PhD, Prof Djaswadi Dasuki PhD, Dr rer nat Istiti Kandarina, and other 5 faculty members are in their PhD programs. Prof Agus Siswanto Wilopo PhD, Prof Mohammad Hakimi PhD, Prof Dr Djaswadi Dasuki PhD, and Dr Ova Emilia PhD has spawned a Master of Public Health in Maternal and Child Health and the Center for Reproductive Health.

In 2015, the center have completed the production of family planning module to be used as national curriculum for undergraduate medical teaching . The module was developed because of concern over the lack of a primary care doctor’s role in providing family planning services. While many physicians work in the areas where family planning services are in urging needs.


  • Working for the interest of public health.


  • BEPH wants to promote the health status of all the people of Indonesia, at the community, district, provincial, and national level, to reach the level of health status that is comparable to the population of the developed nations, through strengthening the productivity of education, research, and community services.
  • BEPH fights for public health by working with all development sectors, the public and private institutions in within the country and at the global level.


  • public health as public good
  • evidenced based
  • justice in public health
  • cooperation with all health stakeholders

In Education

  • Recruit faculty members credible universities.
  • Recruit outstanding students from all overIndonesia to study at our department.
  • Organize a series of lectures, workshops and seminars that respond to society’s public health problems and professional needs of students.
  • Promote graduates can work in strategic health institutions inside and outside the country.D
  • Develop educational programs that are relevant in solving problems of vulnerable groups and finding solutions to health inequity in Indonesia.

In public health research and program development

  • Develop technical assistance for public in disease control infectious and non-infectious, reproductive health, public health nutrition, and the system of public health informatics for monitoring health status.
  • Produce multidisciplinary researches, involving students and partners outside the university, that concern the public health problems of the vulnerable groups.
  • Work together in doing public health research with various international agencies.
  • Disseminate research findings in seminars and scientific publications at the national and international level.

In the field of community service

  • Provide continuing education for professionals in the field of public health
  • Develop policy papers for policy development in the areas of public health.

Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine UGM is quite a new department, established on the 28th of December 2004. Previously, it was still a part of the Internal Medicine Department. Before Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine was established, in March 2004 Cardiac Center in RSUP Dr. Sardjito was built, serving role as tertiary referral center for heart disease. On the 28th of December 2004, Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, was established as a center for Specialist training. Until today, students in our department has reached 50 students from all over Indonesia, with 19 cardiologist alumni. Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine UGM with its 8 divisions and 1 cardiology research unit has been supported with numerous facilities to support the education process and completing its role as the center for specialist training.

This department has subdivision of Cardiology Research Unit (CRU) and also performs surveillance in registry system (mitral stenosis, atrial fibrillation adult congenital heart disease, pulmonary hypertension, acute coronary syndrome, heart failure and vascular disease). Research ideas are expected to arise from these registry for the development of cardiology. Our department has been developing research network with Kobe University Japan in the the field of pulmonary hypertension and congenital heart disease (atrial septal defect).

In 2011 Invasive and Non-surgical Intervention Cardiology Diagnostic Center and Electrophysiology Laboratorium have been established to improve the patient service. Those services have played role as the excellent service in coronary heart disease and arrhythmia. Until now, Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, has 18 staff with high commitment to educate, deliver patient service and researchas mentioned in Tridharma of Higher Education. We have 2 professors, 9 PhDs, 10 consultants and 3 general cardiologists. Our deparment also has affiliation with 3 hospital network (RSUD Banyumas, RSUP Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten dan RS Harjo Lukito) to support education process.

Year Important Achievement
2004 Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Department and RSUP Dr. Sardjito Cardiac Center established
2009 Center for Cardiologist Training approved
2012 Invasive Management of Arrhythmia developed
2013 Eight divisions of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Departmentestablished
2015 CRU (Cardiology Research Unit) established

Founded in the same period when the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada was established in 1946, the Department of Child Health is one of the biggest clinical departments. With 13 clinical divisions and 46 staff who work at Dr Sardjito Hospital, we provide a comprehensive approach to healthcare for the benefit of thousands of infants, children and adolescents annually. Referral patients come to us from all over Yogyakarta, South part of Central Java and several areas out of Java island. Our divisions have been the center of excellent in Indonesia. In 2015, the Hematology and Oncology division has been integrated with the International Cancer Center at Dr Sardjito. In parralel, Pediatric Cardiology also started to develop a sub-specialty center of care in collaboration with the Department of Cardiology, to form the Center for Cardiology.

Our clinical rotation and residency/training program has given learning opportunities with increasing levels of responsilibilities and  independence for our students through various inpatient and outpatient experiences. We are fortunate to be based in one of the national’s referral hospital, which provides challenging cases to enrich the general pediatrician competence in managing cases. We are also offering a learning environment that is built on mutual support, mentoring and friendship. As part of the Faculty of Medicine UGM, theDepartment of Child Health enjoys to be part of the dynamic research environment where innovative and effective treatments and cures are under development. We have extensive international collaborations, such as with the Royal Children Hospital/The University of Melbourne, Vreij University, Saskatcheewan University, Kyoto University, Kobe University, Taipei Medical University for various research, service, training and education. Along with the Pediatric Surgery, we are proud to collaborate with Kyoto University Medical School of Medicine for the first liver transplantation from life donor in Yogyakarta last November 2015. This will illustrate our continuous efforts to be at the forefront of healthcare for children in Indonesia.

Year Important Achievement
2002 Combined Master program (Master of Science in Clinical Medicine) and Residency program started
2006 Pediatric Research Office established as the center of surveillance for Vaccine Preventable Diseases WHO-Indonesia Ministry of Health
2011 Excellent accreditation for Pediatric Training Program from the National Board of Pediatrics
2015 Liver transplant from life donor performed for the first time

Department of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Faculty of Medicine UGM was pioneered in 1954 by Prof. dr. RM. Tedjo Baskoro as the first head of Department. The development of this department and the Clinical Laboratory RSUP Dr. Sardjito have been integrated from the beginning. Currently, we have five divisions,, namely Infectious Diseases & Gastroenterohepatology, Blood Bank & Transfusion Medicine, Hematology & Oncology, Immunology, Nephrology & Respiration, and Endocrinology & Cardiocerebrovascular.

Since 2011,our Department also offers subspecialty training in Infectious Diseases and Blood Bank &Transfusion Medicine. Another program in subspecialty training was added in 2004 in the field of Hematology, Oncology, Immunology, Endocrinology accredited by the Indonesian Collegium of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. For the undergraduate program, we actively contribute to educate medical doctors, nurses and dieticians. Currently, we have 16 academic staff members dedicated in teaching, service and research. The staff member consists of one Full Professor, four PhDs, 12 Consultants, four specialists, and also a number of specialists from the affiliated hospitals. With adequate number of staff member, we are able to meet the ideal ratio of teacher to residents.

Blood Banking and Tranfusion Medicine, and also various laboratory tests to support the success of organ transplantation is our latest development. Our staff also plays a key role in managing the hospital infection prevention and control program at Dr Sardjito hospital. Development of thrombosis parameter, application of reticulocyte parameter in the management of anemia, and immunofenotyping for management of leukemia are currently applied. The Department of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine has built strong collaboration in education, research and clinical services, such as with the following partners: Sysmex Japan, Sanquin Blood Bank The Netherlands, School of Health and SportSciences Faculty of Science, Health Education and Engineering, University of The Sunshine Coast Australia, and many others. In overall, all the above activities aim to improve quality of teaching, research and service performance.

Year Important Achievement
1954 Department of Clinical Pathology established
1981 Clinical Pathology service started in Dr Sardjito Hospital
1987 Became one of the five centers for Clinical Pathology Specialist Program in Indonesia.
1987 Automation of clinical chemistry examination started
2005 Immunology laboratory research established
2007 Prof. dr. Budi Mulyono, SpPK (K), MM was inaugurated as a professor of clinical pathology
2012 Consultant education program on Infectious Diseases and Blood Bank & Transfusion Medicine started
2014 Consultant education program on Hematology, Oncology, Immunology and Endocrinology started
2015 Clinical Pathology takes part in conjoined twins surgery, heart transplants, kidney transplants,and liver transplants

Department of Dermatology and Venereology was founded in 1954 in Mangkubumen, initiated by Prof. Dr. M. Sardjito as the president of the State Universiteit Gadjah Mada. Two years later, clinical activities were officially started after the first specialist graduated from the Faculty of Medicine Jakarta, dr. RM Rahardjo Nitiseputro, came in 1956. He was subsequently appointed as the Head of Dermatology and Venereology. In 1957, clinical specialization training was opened in 1957 withthe first assistant dr. Soeliantoro Soelaiman. In 1960 all activities were moved to the hospital clinic Pudyowalujo Mangkuwilayan. Furthermore, in 1974 the Dermatology and Venereology moved to the Dr. Sardjito hospital along with several other clinics. With 21 educational staff, comprising of one professor, 19 PhDs, 11 consultants, Department of Dermatology and Venereology has been actively participating in teaching the undergraduate program in medicine, clinical rotation for medical students residency training, and also master-PhD supervision. Our department has hosted several international and national seminars/conferences.

Department Dermatology and Venereology has been gaining interest through the delivery of excellent studies, healthcare, and educational services based on Tri Dharma of Higher Education in the field of Education, Research, and Society Service. Basic as well as clinical research are conducted in our laboratory. We are testing drugs, cosmeceutical, medical devices, and medical policy research.Our collaboration network is expanding to include government and non-government institutions at national and international level.We collaborate with several international institutions, such as Melbourne University, University of Amsterdam, University of Groningen, Malmo University Sweden,Marburg University and Ludwig Maximilian University Germany, Kobe University in Japan, and companies such as Unilever, Lion Japan, and Mandom corporation.

Based on our research findings, we apply the results for the sake of patient care. Tissue and cell transplant are now being used in wound treatment and various diseases. Phototherapy has been routinely used for chronic skin diseases such as psoriasis and vitiligo.We also routinely perform patch test for identifying causative allergen in contact dermatitis and drug allergies. The Division in Pediatric Dermatology and Genodermatosis has been conducting molecular genetic studies in many hereditary skin disorders, while the Division in Sexually Transmitted Infection has also been involved in nationwide HIV-AIDS control in addition to research activities. Our research activities in Dermatology and Venereology Department are preparing the Department to become an outstanding centre for training and research in dermatologic surgery.

The improvement of staff, students, and service facilities reveals a very promising development and advancement of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, which will hopefully support the commitment for excellent education and medical services based on research. Our vision is to become an innovative and excellent institution in regional and international levels and to give the best medical service to the community.

Areas of Excellence and Research

  • Cell and tissue transplant in wound healing
  • Initiating stem cell research for aging skin
  • Phototherapy
  • Pediatric and genodermatology focusing in molecular genetic
  • Patch test and allergen identification in allergy and immunology
  • Referral centre for Severe Cutaneous Drug Reactions
  • Occupational and Environmental Dermatology
Year Important Achievement
1954 Dermatology and Venereology Department established
1980 Postgraduate specialist training in Dermatology and Venereology started
1985 Phototherapy for chronic skin diseases applied
2005 Research laboratory established
2010 Gama chamber as a standard chamber in patch test produced
2011 Autologous tissue transplant and PRP for wound healing and scar treatment implemented
2012 Allergens identification using Thin Layer Chromatography and chemical analyses using Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry applied

Residency program in otorhinolaryngology (Ear,Nose and Throat-ENT), Faculty of Medicine UGM was firstly initiated by Prof. R. Oepomo at Mangkuwilayan hospital since 1959. The establishment of curriculum for the residency program was evolving until1977 before it was finally standardized in 1977.The graduates achieved specialist degree in ENT. Starting from 1982, the department of ENT was moved to Sardjito hospital, while the residency education program was still held at Mangkuwilayan hospital. Eight years later in 1990, all activities of the department was successfully centered at Dr. Sardjito hospital, Faculty of Medicine UGM. The integration of education, research and service becomes more prominent since the unity of all activities at Dr Sardjito hospital and establishment of UGM University hospital. Innovation in the curriculum also took place when the Department participates in the Combined degree of Master program in Clinical Medicine and the residency program.

Research performance is continuously improving. All divisions consistently perform research as a fundamental aspect in the University life. Multicenter collaborations with national and international partners are also performed to enrich the scientific atmosphere. As the result, many papers were published in scientific journals.

Year Important Achievement
1959 ENT Department established and the residency program also started.
1977 Standardized residency program at Mangkuwilayan and increased number of staff
1982 ENT Department moved to Sardjito hospital
1985 Academic staff started to take fellowships, post-graduate programs, subspecialties in Europe and Asian countries to develop divisions in ENT: Oncology, Neuro-otology, Otology, Rhinology, and Endoscopy. Collaboration with the Netherlands for Oncology division
2010 Multicenter study in national and international level
2013 Development of services in all divisions, equipped with advanced-high tech instruments

The Family, Community Medicine and Bioethics (DFCMB) is a new department at the Faculty of Medicine UGM, which was established in 2016. The department has two professors, one doctorate staff, three academic staff with masters in Primary Care and many adjunct faculty members from the clinical departments. The department was initiated in late 90’s when graduate courses in primary care medicine organised by the Association of Family Doctor Indonesia begun, continued with activities led by Prof Adi Heru Sutomo under the Health Professional Education Quality (HPEQ) Project in 2012. In this project, Prof. Michael Kidd (President, WONCA World Family Doctors’ Association) and the Dean of Flinders University Australia provided technical assistance.

The DFCMB, known as the Family MedicineTeam, started a graduate courses in primary care medicine called the Weekly Clinical Updates on
Primary Care, since 2011. This graduate course has been conducted in Yogyakarta and DKI Jakarta in collaboration with the local governments. The final session of this course became the Annual Conference which was also attended by Prof. Mark Alan Graber, Prof. Jason Wilbur and Prof. Lisa Soldat from the Iowa University.

Continuing our efforts to strengthen primary care education, in 2013 we initiated the Master program in Family Medicine, as a majoring in Clinical Medicine study program. Currently, more than 50 students are enrolled.In the future, we hope to be able to offer a specialization program in Family Medicine. Within its journey, the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH) enliven the DFCMB. The Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH) history started in 1997 as Bioethics and Medical Humanities Team led by Prof. Dr(HC). dr.Yati Soenarto, SpA(K), PhD. The team aimed to improve moral, ethical, and behavioral aspect of the medical students.The initial strategy was involving interdisciplinary experts, i.e. medicine, philosophy, psychology, social-humanities, civic, law, religion, which soon transformed into what the center is currently promoting, a trans-disciplinary approach.

In its further development, the center has evolved into an innovative and productive center with main vision “to improve bioethics and medical humanities education, research, and service in order to create highly qualified moral and humane practitioners”. The center aspires to achieve through itsmissions in education, research and service. The center has made significant international contributions on bioethics development, through hosting international conferences, trainings, collaborative projects and research. We encourage and empower Asia-Pacific Innitiatives in enriching bioethics development in this global society. In line with that spirit, the center was appointed as the leading coordinator for the International Consortium on Bioethics and Humanities, which hosts the Asia-Pacific (Trans-nations) bioethics collaboration (initiator countries are Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia, Australia).

Year Important Achievement
1990 Family Medicine Association in Yogyakarta Province initiated.
2000 Bioethics 2000: An International Exchange conducted (Harvard Medical School – Gadjah Mada Medical School)
2010 Family Medicine team formaly establishedand chaired by Prof. Adi Heru Sutomo, MSc, PhD. Prof Mark Alan Graber from Iowa University first visited UGM
2010 Certified Courses (Grad. Certificate & Grad. Diploma) on Bioethics (HELP) for Health Professionals started
2011 Annual Clinical Updates on Primary Care started
2011 International meetings in Taiwan, Malaysia, Bangkok held and attended by UGM and partner universities from Taiwan (TMU, NTU, CMU, NCKU), the Netherland (AMC), Malaysia (USM) and Washington (UW). In the same year, Bioethics and Medical Humanities Education network established.
2011 Partnership with University of Iowa, US, University of Maastricht The Netherlands and University of Flinders Australia, started
2013 Master program in Family Medicine started
2015 The National Board on Primary Care Doctors was established.The College of Indonesian Primary Care Doctors was also  established and chaired by Prof. Hari Kusnanto, MPH, Dr.PH
2016 The Department of Family, Community Medicine and Bioethics established

Story Behind The Picture

The Department of Forensic Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine UGM-RSUP DR Sardjito in collaboration with Regional DVI team from West Java, Yogyakarta, Police-Medical Team and Australia’s DVI Team identified 21 victims of Garuda plane crash in 2007.
A good team work resulted in fast and accurate identification process. Only within three days, all victims were successfully identified. This effort was appreciated by the Indonesian and Australian government as a good example of an effective and accurate DVI team work.

The Department of Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal was established in 1952, with the name Mediciana Forensic. Our department has delivered residency program in Forensic Medicine since 1977. Supported by 13 staf, currently our department is still continuously developing in the developing for a better education and practice excellence. Science is dynamic. In the future, we hope to be able to develop further competence in the field of Biomolecular Forensic. With only one PhD in Biomolecular Forensic, the Department needs to attract more academics with this background. In addition, expertise in law will also improve the capacity of the department to keep up with the Medicolegal issues.

Department of Nutrition and Health, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) was officially established in 2013, although the undergraduate degree in Nutrition and Health started since 2003. Our vision is to become an internationally recognized center of education, research and community service which places great emphasis on professionalism in preparing human resources that uphold moral values and pledge integrity on national interest.

We strive to be an excellent academic institution in the field of nutrition and health that recognizes local potential while continues to achieve international standards. In doing so, we focus on at least several areas including fostering international collaboration for research and human resource development, as well as strengthening our research in utilizing local food source to tackle malnutrition problems.

Currently we have built international collaborations, such as with Flinders University (Australia), Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia), Taipei Medical University (Taiwan), and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Malaysia). With Flinders University, we collaborate with the School of Health Sciences for visiting lectures. We have a long collaboration with School of Health Science at University Sains Malaysia through hosting the annual International Symposium of Healthy Lifestyle and Nutrition (ISWHLN) which is hosted in different countries each year. Recently,we have also been collaborating with Taipei Medical University (TMU), Taiwan for an on-going annual event attracting practicing dieticians and academics interested in updating their knowledge in current practice of dietetics. In addition to strengthening our international collaboration, we have also strengthened our national collaboration through various events, such as organizing annual short course programs dieticians and academics in Indonesia.

All our national and international collaborations are essentially keys to strengthen our research and human resource development to answer local, national and international issues in nutrition and health. In addition, we also focus on research in utilizing local food sources for solving current issues in nutrition (functional foods and neutraceutical). We also strive to solve local and national issues as our
first priority.

Because Universitas Gadjah Mada is a research university, research is a pivotal part of education system in our undergraduate school. Research in our school is aimed to solve problems in our region and used as a basis of evidence based nutrition that is developed in our faculty. We develop five divisions for scientific development. Clinical nutrition, community nutrition and food service management are the backbone research in our school because those are principal competencies of dieticians. Additionally, we also develop research in functional food and molecular nutrition to support the development of science on the role of nutrition on human health.

Year Important Achievement
2003 Undergraduate program in Nutrition and Health started
2013 The Department of Nutrition and Health established
2013 The 4th International Symposium on Wellness Healthy Lifestyle and Nutrition held
2015 The UGM-Taipei Medical University (TMU) Joint Course on Clinical Nutrition and Food Service Management held in Taipei

Between 18th century and 19th century, scientists had combined research and action in social behaviour and environmental health. This integration proved to be strategic in explaining and finding solutions for health problems. The importance of social determinants of healthand how it affected health and environmental status was increasingly recognized in early 20th century. This indicated that interdisciplinary approach was needed to tackle health problems. The increased incidence of behavioural-related health problems also showed that social approach is needed in public health intervention. It is clear that the health status of the society is determined by many factors, such as behavior, environment and health.In Faculty of Medicine, studies related to health behavior, environmental health and social determinants of health had been developed since 1992. In 2008, the environmental health division was merged into the public health program department, followed by the occupational health division in 2014.

Department of Health Behaviour, Environmental Health and Social Medicine (HBESM) was established in 2014 with the mission to improve internationally recognized education, research and community service in health behaviour, environmental health and social medicine. Our educational mission is to educate scholars with in-depth knowledge on health behaviour, environmental health and social medicine, and to equip them with the capability in assessing behaviour and social needs related to health and environmental problems; and capability in planning, implementing and evaluating public health programs that encompass health behaviour and environmental health and social medicine components.

The Department of HBESM also provides community services, for example consultancy, training, seminars, and community education activities. Community service aims to deliver intervention to help improving community health, especially those related to health behaviour,environmental health and social medicine. In addition, intervention which engages community empowerment also allows the Department of HBESM to translate theory and research into practice.

Research on health behaviour and promotion, environmental health and occupational health continuously evolve with the growing needs of the society. Research in the Department encompasses  communicable disease, non-communicable disease, tobacco control, community empowerment, advocacy, climate change, environmental management system, environmental health risk analysis and occupational health. Department HBESM has established collaboration with local and international institutions, such as the local and national health ministry, World Bank, ILO, Family Planning board, ILO, IDRC, RITC, GTTEC, NIH, WHO, CDC, etc. With 20 years of experience in research and practices in health behaviour and environmental health, Department of HBESM enthusiastically embraces the integration of health behaviour, environmental health and social medicine approach to answer the global demands of health problems and promote effective interventions.

Year Important Achievement
1986 Health behaviour and public health education established
1993 The health behavior and public health education division changed its name into the health behavior and promotion division
1994 Collaborate with The Indonesian Ministry of Health in“Provincial Health Project V” in providing scholarship for postgraduate students majoring in health promotion, public health postgraduate program in Indonesia
2015 The Indonesian Society for Health Promotion and Education (PPPKMI) established
2016 The new department of health behaviour, environmental health and social medicine established

Established in 2016, Health Policy and Management (HPM) Department is a new department at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Although the department is officially new, the academic program on health and policy management has already been existing as majoring in Public Health Post-Graduate Program since 1992 and as part of the undergraduate program in Medicine. In undergraduate medical curriculum, HPM manages various learning blocks about professionalism, health system and disaster management. In postgraduate level, the department manages four study programs consisted of the Hospital Management Program (Minat Manajemen Rumah sakit-MMR), Health Policy and Service Management Program (Kebijakan dan Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan-KMPK), Health Management Information System Program (Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kesehatan-SIMKES), and Health Insurance Policy and Management Program (Kebijakan Pembiayaan dan Manajemen Asuransi Kesehatan-KPMAK). Besides that, Health Policy and Management Department actively participates in teaching the specialist program, consultant program, nursing program, and health nutrition program.

The involvement of this department in undergraduate and postgraduate program aims to create graduates’ ability and characteristic that can implement health policy and management knowledge principles. The graduates are also expected to have characteristics as a leader and can think systematically. Considered from the professionalism side, the graduates from Health and Policy Management Postgraduate Program are expected to reach their highest professional level as supervisor/program manager and executive/senior manager. Some of them are also expected to be competent public stakeholders.

Health Policy and Management Department’s vision is to become a Department that can drive the development of science in health policy and management and being recognized by all science users in Indonesia and worldwide. Department’s institutional missions are to provide health policy and management knowledge support in developing the public health status in Indonesia; to develop science of health policy and management by education, research, and community service; and to support faculty and departments in Universitas Gadjah Mada to develop their own knowledge.

Health Policy and Management Department in 2015 had accepted 129 postgraduate students, consisted of 58 students in Hospital Management Program, 38 students in Health Policy and Service Management Program, 14 students in Health Insurance Management and Financing Policy Program, and 19 students in Health Management Information System Program. Some of the students are part of our collaboration with Jakarta Special Provincial Health Office, hospitals, and health service institutions spread from all across Indonesia. We have 18 staff who are lecturers in Health Policy and Management, consisted of: three Professors and seven PhDs, four Doctoral Candidates who will graduate in 20116, and four young lecturers who are still Master graduates. Besides all permanent lecturers above, Health Policy and Management Magister Program also have 64 non-permanent lecturers originated from many institutions, not only from health science background but also from nonhealth science background.

Year Important Achievement
1991 Science development of Health and Policy Management in Medical Faculty, Gadjah Mada University began
1992 In September 1992, Gadjah Mada University’s Hospital Management Master Program started. Before its establishment, there was a Community Health Center’s Project that was funded by Ford Foundation in CCHC Program in the mid-decade of 1980s.
1995 Health Policy and Service Management postgraduate program started
1996 Drugs Management and Policy postgraduate program founded
2000 Health Insurance Management and Financing Policy postgraduate program founded
2005 Health Management Information System postgraduate program founded
2006 Hospital Management postgraduate program achieved ISO certification
2014 IT-based Hospital Management postgraduate program to reach students from The Eastern Side of Indonesia initiated
2015 Health Management Information System Program achieved IMIA International Accreditation

Initiated in 1950’s at Pugeran Hospital, the Department of Internal Medicine has started the very first services. In 1980’s, the outpatient clinic was then moved to the second floor of Dr. Sardjito hospital. According to the second congress of the Indonesian Association of Internal Medicine Association of Indonesia in 1973, UGM was appointed to be the center for residency training in Internal Medicine. One year later, Dr. Ny. Poestika Sastroamidjojo, Department’s chair, established seven divisions, namely Infection, Renal and Hypertension, Endocrinology, Cardiology, Gastroentero-hepatology, Hematology Oncology, and Rheumatology. When it started, the first students were dr. Hari Sukarto, dr. Haryono, dr. Moefroedi, dr. Sutjitro, dr. Elias Parjono, dr. Adiwijono dan dr. Asdie. Currently, we have graduated more than 400 Internists. Along with the scientific development in Internal Medicine, we now have eleven divisions. In 2010, according to Indonesian Association of Internal Medicine (SK No 57/KIPD/SK/V/2010), education of subspecialty program began in the department for the following subspecialties: Endocrinology, Rheumatology, Geriatrics, Tropical Medicine, Hematology Oncology, Gastro-Entero-Hepatology, Renal-Hypertension and Pulmonology.

With the increasing number of patients, Department of Internal medicine is challenged to keep improving service quality. Currently, we excel in intervensive pulmonology, HIV service, herbal medicine, endoscopy and Diabetic clinic. We are also committed to be active in conducting research. Many of our studies have been published in highlyrespected journals and resulted in patent for phytopharmaceutical product (Remapo by Prof. dr. Nyoman Kertia). To support activities in international publication, currently we also publish our own international journal, namely Acta Interna.

Year Important Achievement
1950’s Department of Internal Medicine established at Pugeran Hospita
1973 Residency program was firstly launched
1980’s Moved to Dr Sardjito Hospital
1999 First renal transplant performed
2005 HIV services clinic launched
2012 Services for Diabetic foot launched

[Story behind the picture]    The picture shows the participation of the Department of Medical Education UGM at the Foundation of Advance Research in Medical Education, FAIMER Institute, Philadelphia, USA. The graduate certification program offers continuous learning, community practice learning and collaboration with many centers of excellence in medical education world-wide. The institute is currently hosting the network of Towards United for Health (TUFH) in which the Faculty of Medicine UGM has been a silver member in this network in medical education. With four staff members participating in the FAIMER Fellows, in the future we hope the Department of Medical Education will be able to start a FAIMER Regional Centre for Asia Pacific in collaboration with other FAIMER Fellows from the Asia-Pacific region

The Department of Medical Education (DME) was established in 2005. This Department was the first medical education department established in Indonesia. In 2006, the first Master Program in Medical Education in Indonesia was established in this department. Since its establishment, DME has been steadily growing and continues to lead in medical and health profession education majors in national level and have pioneered several national bodies and educational strategies such as AIDIPROKESI, ISLaND, National Standard of Medical Doctor Competency (SKDI), Indonesian National Committee of Medical Students Competence Assessment Indonesia, Indonesian Journal of Medical Education (Jurnal Pendidikan Kedokteran Indonesia). Key staff members also play active roles in AIPKI, BSNP, and the National Board of Primary Doctors (Dokter Layanan Primer). Nowadays, DME has six PhDs in Medical Education, two PhD candidates and more than five Masters in Medical Education with several adjunct faculty members who contribute significantly at national and international levels, such as in the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME), Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), LINQED, South East Asian Regional Association in Medical Education (SEARAME), and ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA). With four faculty members as FAIMER fellows, DME is currently preparing to be the first FAIMER Regional Center in Asia-Pacific.

DME is also leading in research in medical and health education domains such as in teachinglearning, learning resources, assessmentprogram evaluation, curriculum development, and management-leadership in health profession education. Hundreds of research have been done by the academic staff and students, and many has been published in reputable journals in national and international level such as Medical Teacher, Education for Health, South East Asian Journal of Medical Education, Indonesian Journal of Medical Education, and the others. Patent products in medical and health professions education also achieved as results of collaboration between academic staff and students. At faculty level, DME also assists the faculty executives in developing/innovating curriculum, student assessment, Community and Family Health Care (a community-based inter-professional education program), and skills laboratory. Through a passion in leading and developing the flow of medical and health professions education, our motto is: “Strive for Better Medical and Health Professions Education

Year Important Achievement
2005 Department of Medical Education (DME) established as the first DME in Indonesia
2006 Masters in Medical and Health Profession Education started as the first Master program in Medical Education in IndonesiaThe Indonesian Journal of Medical Education established – the first accredited journal in medical education in Indonesia
2007 dr. Titi Savitri P, MA, MMedEd, PhD appointed as SEARAME (South East Regional Association of Medical Education) Executive Committee, and later the Vice President (2015)
2009 dr. Titi Savitri P, MA, MMedEd, PhD appointed as Senior Trainer and Chief Quality Advisor in ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance
2010 dr. Gandes Retno Rahayu, MMedEd, PhD appointed to be LINQED Executive Committee
2012 dr. Mora Claramita, MHPE, PhD received the Lyn Clearihan Awards for the best paper in Asia Pacific Family Medicine Journal 2011
  • The Indonesian Association of Health Profession Education (Asosiasi Ahli Pendidikan Profesi Kesehatan Indonesia-AIDIPROKESI) established and chaired by dr. Titi Savitri P, MA, MMedEd, PhD
  • dr. Gandes Retno Rahayu, MMedEd, PhD, dr. Yoyo Suhoyo, MMEd and dr. Rachmadya Nurhidayah, MSc lead the national committee of Indonesian Medical Doctors Competence-Based National Examination
  • dr. Widyandana, MHPE, PhD appointed to be Chairman of the Indonesian Skills Laboratory Network and Development (ISLaND)
  • dr. Titi Savitri P, MA, MMedEd, PhD appointed to be a WFME Senior Advisor
  • FAIMER Fellow Grants received by dr. Gandes Retno Rahayu, MMedEd, PhD, dr. Mora Claramita, MHPE, PhD, dr. Titi Savitri P, MA, MMedEd, PhD and dr. Yoyo Suhoyo, MMedEd.
  • Fulbright Senior Scholar dr. Mora Claramita, MHPE, PhD led the national initiatives towards strengtheningprimary care services and became the member of National Board of Indonesian Primary Care Doctors
  • dr. Gandes Retno Rahayu, MMedEd, PhD appointed as the Indonesian representative for AMEE (Association ofMedical Education on Europe)
  • An inter-professional education called : Community and Family Health Care (CFHC) Program started and ledby dr. Ova Emilia, MMedEd, PhD
2015 The Best Department for Financial Management granted by the Faculty of Medicine, UGM

Department of Medical Surgical Nursing is a new department in Faculty of Medicine UGM. Previously, this department was still a division when the Department of Nursing was established in 1998. The medical surgical nursing division was first integrated within the sub-department of emergency and critical nursing. However, since 2008 it became a separate division on Medical Surgical Nursing.

Currently, we have seven academic staff members with Master and PhD qualifications. Our teaching activities focus on the undergraduate program and master program in nursing with research embedded in all levels of education. We conduct research in priority areas, such as cancer care, long-term care, palliative care, chronic disease management and prevention, infection control, infectious disease  and stroke. Through research and education, we make our best effort to improve clinical services. In 2015, we produced more than 10 publications,consisting of paper presentations, journals and textbooks. Continuing education to update our research skills is implemented through workshops and joint research, involving colleagues from Dr. Sardjito Hospital, UGM Hospital, Soeradji Tirtonegoro Hospital, and Banyumas district Hospital. Training and educational programs are also held for the purpose of community services, such as programs to improve the capacity of health cadres and residents in community on disease prevention, rehabilitation, and long-term care management.

International atmosphere in Nursing has been strengthened through collaborations with overseas institutions. Annually, we invite professors from Radboud University (The Netherlands), Anglia Ruskin University (United Kingdom) and NCKU (Taiwan). These collaborations are significant to boost our international research collaborations in palliative care, chronic care management and prevention, and other areas. International exposures also benefit students and academic staff through academic exchange, and international conference.

Starting from 2015, the department offers Master Program in Nursing, majoring in Medical Surgical Nursing. Our goal is to produce professional medical surgical nurse graduates, able to contribute to a better patient-centered care nursing services.

Year Important Achievement
1998 Medical Surgical, Emergency, and Critical Nursing Divisions were Part of the Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine
2005 The first standardized nursing language (Nanda, NOC, NIC) seminar in Indonesia conducted
2008 Research collaboration granted by Sigma Theta Tau
2010 The first palliative care seminar in Indonesia initiated
2014 The first international palliative conference conducted
2015 Master program in Nursing, majoring in Medical Surgical Nursing established
2016 Department of Medical Surgical Nursing established

Department of Mental Health and Community is a new department in the Faculty of Medicine, UGM. This department integrated two sub-departments (Mental Health and Community Nursing) in the Department of Nursing, established in 1998. Recently, our department consists of 8 academic staff members with Master and PhD qualifications. Our research strategic plan articulates major research topic in mental health areas, such as disaster mental health nursing, community mental health nursing, care of mental health nursing in hospital, smoking cessation behavior, vulnerable family, elderly nursing care in family and nursing home setting, and nutritional problems in community. Our staff also conduct clinical services through research and publication. In 2015, we published more than 20 publications, consisting of paper presentations, journals and textbooks. Our collaboration with mental health nurses in teaching hospitals, such as Dr Sardjito Hospital, UGM Hospital, Soeradji Tirtonegoro Hospital, and Banyumas Hospital through joint workshops, research, surveillance training also enhance our research performance and competence. In addition,efforts to strengthen our international network has been carried out by collaborating with James Cook University (Australia), Kobe and Kobe Women University (Japan) and University of Boras (Swedia). To fulfill our responsibility to the community, we conduct training and educational programs for health cadres and residents in the community focusing mainly on mental health treatment in home care setting.

Year Important Achievement
1998 Mental Health Division and Community Nursing Division established as part of the Department of Nursing, Faculty of
2005 The first standardized nursing language (Nanda, NOC, NIC) seminar in Indonesia initiated
2005 The Jogjakarta Mental Health Nursing Association established and the National Conference of Indonesian Mental Health  Nursing organized and led by the division
2016 Department of Mental Health and Community Nursing established

Story Behind the picture

The picture above was taken from “The Sepsis Study” that was started in late 2013 in Thailand. The study was then continued in Vietnam and Indonesia with supports from Ministries of Health of Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam, as well as the South East Asia Infectious Disease Clinical Research Network (SEAICRN) global partners, including the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the Wellcome
Trust and the World Health Organization (WHO). Conducted by the SEAICRN, the sepsis study seeks to identify the causes and outcomes of sepsis, improve its treatment, and help public health authorities and medical researchers across South East Asia to better respond to other potentially deadly public health threats in South East Asia as new infectious diseases emerge. Other study which was also supported by WHO, are AFIRE (Acute febrile illness that require Hospitalization),and Tripod (Tuberculosis research of Ina-respond on drug resistance.

Our vision is to become Indonesia’s leading center of excellence in the field of clinical microbiology, which is scientific cultured, high quality, and represent the soul of local wisdom by 2020.These are the eminent services at the Microbiology Department :

  • Provide microscopic examination: Direct examination, gram staining, acid fast bacillus staining (AFB), staining for specific microorganism : Diphteria, yeast and other fungi, bacterial spore, capsule etc.
  • Dark field microscope for direct observation of Leptospira.
  • Culture and identification of aerob and non aerobic bacteria, including fastidious microorganism, such as Helicobacter pylori, S.
    Pneumoniae etc
  • Antibiotic susceptibility test of bacteria
  • Antifungal susceptibility test of fungi
  • Examination of drinking water
  • To explore the potency of antimicrobe for new drug, including antibacteria, antifungal and anti TB
  • Examination of antigenemia and Viruria of Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
  • Molecular identification for Rotavirus
  • Molecular identification of MDR TB (XpertMTB/RIF) and Drug Susceptibility Test of M.Tuberculose
  • Identification Biofilm-Forming capability of microorganism
  • Monitoring the numbers of germs in the Hospital
  • Monitoring career / food born diseases on nutritional installation staff/ Food Company
  • Monitoring of microbial hospital waste management

In addition, many collaboration research were performed in our department, such as the following research in virology:

  • Surveillance Rotavirus causes diarrhea,“Extension for Hospital-Based Surveillance and strain characterization of Rotavirus Diarrhoea in Indonesia” held since 2009 until now, in collaboration with WHO-SEARO. This project aimed to develop vaccines against rotavirus in the stage of clinical trials Phase IIb, in collaboration with the Murdoch Children Research Institute and PT. Biofarma.
  • Dengue virus, “Genotyping and phenotyping of dengue virus to Predict the severity and clinical manifestation of dengue virus infection” and “Association of polymorphisms of DC-SIGN (CD209) Carbohydrate Recognition Domain with Dengue Virus Infection.”
  • National Consortium Dengue Vaccine Development. The development of recombinant protein PRM / E of dengue virus isolates locally.
  • Identification of secondary metabolites of fungi Actynomycetes that have potential anti-dengue.
  • IDAMS (International Research Consortium on Dengue Risk Assessment, Management and Surveillance)

Bacteriology research:

  • Comparison of the potential combinationof imipenem and other antibiotics with a time-killing curve test, cheker board and E-test for antibiotic multiresistant isolates of Acinetobacterbaumannii
  • Evaluation of the use of Xpert MTB/RIF in diagnosing TB for children: Operational research (funded by the Global Fund)
  • National Program of TB care: Lab examination of TB MDR and TB HIV (supported by the Global Fund)
  • The Prevalence of CLABSI (Central line associated blood stream infection) among patient in NICU, Sardjito hospital (in collaboration with BioMedical Engineering Dept, UMCG, The Netherlands)
  • Antibiotic resistance in gram-negative ESBL,AmpC and MBL clinical isolates of Pseudomonas sp.

Mycology (Fungi) research:

  • Antifungal effects and its mechanism: (1) -N-2-metoksibenzil-1,10-fenantrolinium bromide on planktonic cells and biofilms of Candida albicans cells
  • Characteristics of virulence factors in C. albicans
Year Important Achievement
2010 Clinical Microbiology Specialist Program launched
2014 Research collaboration with US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the Wellcome Trust and the World Health Organization (WHO) undertaken for three research projects
2014 Development of Rotavirus vaccines Phase IIb, in collaboration between the Murdoch Children Research Institute, Pediatric research office and PT. Biofarma

At the beginning of its establishment in 1950, Department of Neurology together with Department of Psychiatry became one department, chaired by Prof. dr. Soerojo. Along with the rapid development of neuroscience and psychiatric science, Department of Neurology was separated from Department of Psychiatry in 1977. The founding pioneers of our department were the ‘trio’ of Dr. Soeharso, Dr. Lucas Meliala and Dr. M. Landung Soebijantoro. Department of Neurology currently has ten divisions, alligned with the study groups in the Indonesian Neurologists Association (Persatuan Dokter Saraf Indonesia-Perdossi). With a total of 26 staff dedicated to education, research, and clinical care (consisting of four professors, two PhDs, and five 5 Doctorates), we hope to fulfill our missions.

Our department has developed a Stroke Unit, Memory Clinic, Sleep Clinic, and Electromedic Clinic (Electrophysiology clinic consist of Polysomnography, EEG-Brain Mapping, EMG/ENMG, and Evoked Potential) that support education, research, and clinical care in neurology. We have several modality in neurorestoration such as interactive and computerized cognitive stimulation, and also Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). We also implement Bobath concept as one of the integrative management for motor rehabilitati on espescially in poststroke patients, together with physical and occupational therapy conducted by the Rehabilitation Medicine Unit. We also implement Transcranial Doppler (TCD) examination for diagnostic and evaluation especially in cerebrovascular disease.

We are committed to research through improving quality of research and increasing number of international publications. Some academic staff are also active in activities such as writing textbooks about various aspects of neurology such as stroke and vertigo, developing stem cell center at Faculty of Medicine/DrSardjito hospital and conducting endovascular intervention. We are committed to continuously improve quality of clinical care, education, and research to become the forefront in neurology.

Year Important Achievement
1950 Department of Psychiatry established
1960 Neurology-Psychiatry wards were separated from the Internal Medicine wards in Pugeran Hospital
1977 Department of Neurology was separated from the Department of Psychiatry. Neurology ward was moved to Mangkubumen hospital.
1982 Neurology wards and clinics were moved to Dr. Sardjito Hospital
1986 Department of Neurology became the center for neurology specialist education
2004 Stroke Unit and Electromedic Clinic established
2005 Memory Clinic established

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Obsgyn) was established in March 5th 1946 in Klaten. At that time the school was named Perguruan Tinggi Kedokteran. When the school moved to Yogyakarta, the Department of Obstetrics was one of the pioneers. Therefore, we have been conducting teaching and practice excellence for 70 years.

Many key milestones have been achieved. Currently, the Department of Obgyn has five divisions: Maternal Fetal Medicine, Fertility, Endocrinology and Reproduction (FER), Social Obstetrics, Gynecology Oncology, and Urogynecology& Reconstructive Surgery. Since 2005, Department of Obgyn has also been able to provide subspecialty training in FER, followed by the subspecialty training in Social Obstetrics since 2010. To fulfill our commitment to improve quality of education, one of our strategies is to collaborate with international education center for Obstetrics and Gynecology, such as the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (RCOG) since 2012. Our curriculum is designed in modules following the standard from the Indonesian Obstetrics and Gynecology Society and RCOG. We hope that these efforts will also result in improved quality of care.

Service and teaching activities in the division of Maternal Fetal Medicine and FER are mainly located in Gedung Bedah Sentral Terpadu (GBST) since 2002. The center for Fertility (Klinik Permata Hati) firstly conducted in vitro fertilization (IVF) in 1997, and currently becomes one of the best fertility center in Indonesia. Our commitment to excellence in teaching and medical service is supported by research.Therefore, the Obstetrics and Gynecology Research Unit (ORU) plays an important role to support the research system in this department. In 2012-2015 ORU and the Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics Unit became the leading research institution that held Cochrane systematic reviews in Indonesia.

We now have in total 54 academic staff dedicated in teaching, service and research, including five Full Professors, four PhDs, 20 consultants, and five specialists in Sardjito-Faculty of Medicine UGM, and also another 25 Specialists in our affiliated hospitals. With adequate number of staff, the ratio of teacher:residents is now ideal, 1:1.87.

Our department has key partners in education, research and clinical services, such as the Dutch School, The Hague Hospital, Taipei Medical University, Umeả University, UNFPA, RCOG, IARC, NCIand many others. Active collaborations are in place through staff exchange, academic and research collaborative research to improve quality of our teaching, research and service performance.

Year Important Achievement
1946 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology established
1959 Specialty training in Obstetrics and Gynecologystarted
1997 First IVF successfully conducte
2002 Permata Hati clinic for infertility established
2005 Subspecialty training launched
2012 MoU with RCOG signed to provide MRCOG-Iexamination
2012 Obstetrics and Gynecology Research established

Our department has five missions, i.e. improving education and training in Ophthalmology,pursuing high impact research and development in Ophthalmology, enhancing community services to improve eye health status of local community, strengthening internal management and nurturing welfare of faculty member based on professionalism.

On education and training, we train undergraduate medicine and general Ophthalmologist. Currently, our Department has graduated nearly 200  ophthalmologist who served the community across the nation and has achieved rapid growth in terms of annual workload of more than 200,000 outpatient visits, 5,000 major eye surgeries and 7,000 outreach cataract surgeries. To ensure high quality of care, we regularly delivers seminars, workshops, or scientific meeting at the national or regional level, at least twice a year.

Without research, advancement of science and care in Ophthalmology would have not occurred. In our department, our key research is the development of new DR screening method using automated Rapid Assessment of Diabetic Retinopathy (RADR) system, and novel glaucoma implant. Also, studies on identification of potential gene-environment interactions between exogenous progesterone and  the incidence of orbito-cranial meningioma among the Indonesian females and application of collage cross linking in cornel ulcer and keratoconus are being carried out.

Integrating activities in research, education and community services has been our strength. Supported by our partners, the academic staff have constantly been involved and provided mass cataract surgery and DR screening in the community throughout the country. ophthalmology department received the Award for Excellence amongst all departments within the Faculty of Medicine in two consecutive years (2014 and 2015).

Year Important Achievement
1950 Eye service began in Balai Pengobatan Mata and eye clinic at Jenggotan and Kidul Lodji
1954 The first ophthalmology resident commenced the training and finished in 1958
1978 Standardized and structured Consortium of Health Science curriculum for residents incorporated
into the training, few years before moving to Dr Sardjito hospital

Human resources in the Department of Parasitology consist of two staff with master degree, 6 Ph.Ds, one professor, along with nine technicians and the support staff. From its establishment, the Department of Parasitology has been contributing to education, research and community service. Educational system for undergraduate program is based on Problem-Based Learning system, while for the advance learners we contribute to master programs in Tropical Medicine, Basic Medical Science and Biomolecular (majoring in Parasitology), Public Health, Specialist physician education program and the doctoral program.

Research work is conducted both independently and in cooperation with local institutions and international partners. Current advance research works are: development of recombinant proteins for serologic malaria transmission measurement, identification of transovarial dengue transmission using monoclonal antibody, and detection of mosquito resistance to insecticides using biological, biochemical and molecular assays. Community service has always been carried out in accordance with community needs to control the transmission of parasitic diseases, such as improving community role in dengue surveillance in Minomartani Village, malaria elimination program coordinator in Kulon Progo, and screening of intestinal parasite infestation in Central Maluku.

Year Important Achievement
1993 Monoclonal antibody of Brugia malayi developed
1994 Plasmodium Cultivation method in vivo and in vitro in Parasitology laboratory established
1996 Monoclonal antibody for detection dengue virus in mosquitoes based immunohistochemistry (IHC) method developed
2000 In vivo and in vitro antiplasmodial activity test conducted
2002 Mapping on biodiversity of mosquitoes vector produced
2009 Serology measurement for malaria transmission intensity developed
2014 Detection of mosquito insecticide resistance using biological, biochemistry and molecular assay developed
2016 Recombinant protein of Plasmodium sp for malaria serology measurement developed

Pediatric Nursing and Maternity Nursing have been embedded in School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine since 1998. Later in December 2015, Pediatric Nursing and Maternity Nursing were merged into one department, The Department of Pediatric Nursing and Maternity Nursing. The department consists of two divisions as embedded in the name. These divisions conduct education, research and community services (Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi) for bachelor degree in nursing since 1998 and Master of Nursing since 2012.

Our vision in 2020 is to become a center of development in national, regional and international level for pediatric nursing and maternity nursing in education, research and community services based on Indonesian culture and humanity. To achieve the vision, the department has a strategic plan to develop research on anemia management model for pregnant women, health reproduction for adolescent, child and maternity health in disaster, comprehensive nursing care for unhealthy child and child with special needs, child growth and development based on family centered care, palliative care for children and family, and nursing intervention based on local wisdom.

The department has several important collaborations with many institutions in national and international level to enhance education, research and community services. Our department has ten lecturers, half of them are PhDs in nursing and the rests are Masters and Specialists in nursing. Our lecturers have also published many research articles in international journals.

Year Important Achievement
1998 Pediatric nursing and maternity nursing as sub-divisions of the Nursing department, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada established
2012 Master program in Nursing, majoring in maternity nursing and pediatric nursing started.
2015 Department of Pediatric nursing and Maternity nursing established

Department of Pharmacology and Therapy has a long history. Teaching of pharmacology started in March 4th 1946, and pharmacology subject was called “Drug Efficacy”. The working group of Clinical Pharmacology was established in 1979, and developed into Department of Clinical Pharmacology in 1987. The Department of Pharmacology was then developed into Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. The pharmacy section which was developed in 1950 to serve public and clinical rotation of medical students had been developed into Department of Medical Pharmacy in 1970. Department of Pharmacology and Therapy was merged from these three departments in 2009, initiated by the Dean.

Our department offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate study option since we have staff working in the field of laboratory, clinical, community, and policy research. We even have research activities in collaboration with industry. Most of our staff take part in national and international board, such as vice rector, National Committe on Drug Evaluation, National Committe on Indonesian Drug Informatory, Member of the International Narcotics Control Board, Board of Governor of International Clinical Epidemiology Network, Chairman of National Committee on Health Insurance for the Poor (Jamkesmas) Drug Formulary, National Committee on Patient’s Safety in Hospital, National Committee on Traditional Medicine Evaluation, Medical and Health Research Ethics Committee, and Regional Trainer on Good Clinical Practice.

Our laboratory has capacity to support various research topics from preclinical to clinical study, supported by excellent equipments and skilled technicians. Animal facility, clinical study room, cell culture facility, drug and substance assay in biological fluid facility, herbal medicine research facility, genomic to proteomic research facility are some of our facilities to support research in pharmacology.

In 2015, we enrolled two of our laboratory methods, i.e. acute oral toxicity test and Bioavailability-Bioequivalens test, for accreditation from national accreditation comittee (Komite Akreditasi Nasional/KAN). We are now in the process to obtain accreditation for those two methods.
Many of our research were published in high impact nasional and international journals. This leads the department to be in the third rank of department with highest journal publications in the Faculty of Medicine

Year Important Achievement
2009 Pharmacology and Therapy Department established, merging three departments
2010 National meeting for Indonesian Pharmacology Society (Ikatan Ahli Farmakologi/IKAFI) hosted
  • Patent for pasak bumi as aphrodisiac obtained
  • National acreditation for acute oral toxicity and BA/BE test proposed
2016 The BPOM’s award (an award from Indonesian National Agency for Drug and Food Control)
received by two faculty members

Department of Physiology is one of a few departments which became the forerunner of the Medical Faculty Universitas Gadjah Mada. The history of Department of Physiology was started back in 1946, during the resolution of independence. Nowadays, we have nine active staff, consisting of five PhDs, and three PhD candidates and one Master qualification. We are also supported by one Professor emeritus and two Senior Lecturers. Our department has two divisions, namely Division of Integrated Physiology and Division of Applied Physiology. Division of Integrated Physiology focuses on studies of various system organs in the human body. Division of Applied Physiology focuses on application of the Physiology, such as Work Physiology, Environmental Physiology and Exercise Physiology.

Our commitment is facilitating the students to enrich their knowledge in Physiology. In the undergraduate programme, in addition to giving lectures, we also provide some practical sessions to stimulate critical thinking. In order to reveal the human body phenomenon, we invite students in Master and Doctorate programme to work together in research related to Physiology, from molecular, cellular to the whole aspects of human body.

We provide three laboratories (in vivo, in vitro and human body system) to support research in Physiology field. We also perform multi disciplinary research, as well as build networking with other institutions. In vivo laboratory provides various facilities to conduct a study using small animals, such as mice, rats and cats. The laboratory equipments enable researchers to conduct research in behavior, exercise and cardiovascular Physiology. In vitro laboratory provides facilities to conduct cellular research. The human body laboratory is equipped with ECG, treadmill, ergocycle, spirometer etc.

We commit to publish our works in highly respected journals. Until 2016 we have more than 20 international publications with increasing number in the future as our commitment to improve research performance. Our departmenthas routine activities such as “short course on basic cell culture”, community services, sending delegation to join an International Quiz in Physiology. In 2015, for the first time, our students won the International Quiz in Physiology.

Year Important Achievement
1946 Department of Physiology established
1965 Founding the Indonesian Association of Physiologist (Ikatan Ahli Ilmu Faal Indonesia-IAIFI)
1976 Center for Sport Physiology established
2005 Short Course on Basic Cell Culture started
2015 Won the international physiology quiz (IMSPQ) for the first time

The vision of Department of Psychiatry is to become the center of psychiatric education competitive at national and international level, and to offer programs to support the development of psychiatric knowledge, research and community services in 2020. Currently the department is developing strategies to improve the image and achievement in education, research and community services through providing facilities and capacity building programs for human resources. Three staff members (dr Mahar, dr Carla and dr Ronny) were trained at the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine Harvard Medical School, US to learn about social medicine working with Prof Byron Good and Prof Mary-Jo Good.

Staff members in our department hold several subspecialties, such as Community/Social/Culture Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Biology Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry, Geriatric Psychiatry, Addiction and Substance Abuse, Psychotherapy, and CLP (Consultation Liaison Psychiatry). Research activities have also been encouraged and findings from several studies have been published in books and scientific journals. Research projects has been obtained from national and international funding, for instance Early Psychosis Research (Harvard Funding), Inter-university Partnership to Improve Mental Health Care in Indonesia with Harvard and Syah Kuala Universities (USAID funding 2011- 2014) and Implementation and Evaluation of an Integrated Mental Health Program at Community Health Centers In Yogyakarta (Dubai Project-Harvard University Funding 2015-2017). Seminar and national conferences on rehabilitation programs, child psychiatry, and consultation liaison psychiatry are also held by the Department.

Regarding collaboration, we continuously build efforts to expand and intensify collaborations with in-country and international partners. Through collaboration with many institutions such as Jogjakarta Special Provincial Health Office, Ghrasia Mental hospital, Banyumas District hospital, Soeroyo mental hospital in Magelang, UGM University hospital, Taipei Medical University, Department of Psychiatry Kobe University, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine Harvard Medical School in many areas (education, research and community services), we hope to be develop “Excellent Physciatry in this department.

Year Important Achievement
1945/50 Neuro-Psychiatry Department established, with Prof dr. Soeroyo from Magelang Psychiatry Hospital as the chair of department.
1959 Neuro-Psychiatry polyclinic and wards established by Prof FKE Kluge form Germany
1977 Neurology-Psychiatry Department splitted into two departments, i.e. Department of Neurology and Department of Psychiatry. Prof Soejono was the first chair of Department of Psychiatry
1979 Psychiatry polyclinic at Pugeran hospital moved to DrSardjito Hospital
1980/81 Psychiatric ward moved to DrSardjito Hospital until today.
2013 The First National Conggress of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry held in Yogyakarta

Radiology Department was established along with the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada in 1949. During that period, the department was located in Surakarta and only in 1970, when the Radiology Department was established along with the construction of Dr. Sardjito hospital in Yogyakarta. Radiodiagnostic services started in early 1975, followed by radiotherapy service in Desember 21, 1975 after a radiotherapy technologist was placed in Dr. Sardjito hospital.

Dr. Arif Faisal was the Chair of Radiology Department for the period of 1987-1991 and 1992-1996. During these periods, the number of residents increased, along with the improvement of services, education, and scentific activities. New radiological equipments such as whole body CT Scan, SPECT Gamma Camera, Ultrasound unit, X-ray unit, and Mammography supported the development of this department.

Along with rapid advancement of technology up to 2015, the Radiology Department has gained stronger interest through the delivery of excellent health care and educational services. New equipments arrived to facilitate the desire the provide high quality of care, such as 64-slices multi-slice CT Scan, new cathlab equipment, colour doppler and elastography ultrasound, CAD Mammography, Digital Radiography X-Ray, and Linear Accelerator radiotherapy unit.

Currently, the Radiology Department has 14 active radiologist staff member, two assistant staff, 67 residents, and seven foreign students from Palestine. Radiology Department has been actively participating in the educational process of medical doctor. Patient load increases with almost 250 radiodiagnostic patients per day, and 60 radiotherapy patients per day on average. Increased number of staff, students, and service facilities reveal a very promising development and advancement of the Radiology department. The department also established multi-center studies with other departments as well as other faculties and institutions.For example, collaborative research with Department of Electricaland Information Technology Faculty of Engineering and Department of Computer Science & Electronic UGM, Cancer Center Dr. Sardjito hospital, and Informatics Department, Science and Techology Faculty, State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga.

Service-Research Excellence
• Computer-aided Detection Mammography
• Minimally-invasive Interventional Radiology
• Elastography Ultrasound
• Linear Accelerator Radiotherapy Unit

Year Important Achievement
1946 Radiology Department established
2000 Cath-Lab for Interventional Radiology established
2010 64-MSCT Scan installed
2014 Multi-center studies with other departments- institutions established
2015 Take part in the successful liver and kidney transplant in Dr Sardjito Hospital
2015 Collaborative team on the first surgery of conjoined twins in Dr Sardjito Hospital
2015 Contribute to the International Cancer Center Tulip (Linac, CAD mammography, US elastography

Story Behind The Picture

The Department of Surgery Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada commits to deliver the best practice in the health surgery care.In collaboration with other departments particularly the  Department of Pediatric, we  recently have successfully performed the first liver transplant at Dr Sardjito hospital.

Department of Surgery Universitas Gadjah Mada has been established in 1949 in the same year with the establishment of Universitas Gadjah Mada. In 1950, Department of Surgery has initiated teaching activities for two students, carried out by Prof.dr. Moch Salim. Since its establishment, the Department of Surgery has grown rapidly during the past few years. The Department of Surgery has emerged as one of the most prominent surgical training program in Indonesia offering extensive programs of specialization and sub-specialization including in Digestive Surgery, Oncology Surgery, Orthopedic and Traumatology, Pediatric Surgery, Neurosurgery, Urology, Thorax and Vascular Surgery, and Plastic Surgery. Residency training programs are coordinated within several subdivision including General Surgery, Orthopedics, Urology, Neurosurgery, and Pediatric Surgery. The Department of Surgery continues to excel and make major contributions to the University and Indonesia.

A significant contribution was also made by this Department in the disaster management since 1990. We actively participated during tsunami in Aceh in 2004, Yogyakarta earthquake in 2006, Merapi eruption in 1994, 2006 and 2010, as well as other national disasters. In addition to deliver excellent care to patients, we have also contributed to the rapidly changing healthcare system in Indonesia.

The recent advance in 2015 was the first successful liver transplant performed at Dr.Sardjito Hospital. We also offer great quality of teaching for both MD and residency. Our residency program is one of the most competitive in Indonesia. Most of these residencies are filled with top rank applicants. The first two years of training in surgery is elaborated as Surgical Foundation with lecture preparation and basic skill development to prepare for national exam for basic surgery. In the national level, our residents have shown their quality. In the national exam for general surgery in 2015, our resident has achieved the best score among other participants. In 2014, we received award as the best oral presentation in Indonesian College of Surgeons meeting in Bali and the following year in 2015, two orthopedics residents have been selected as the best and the third best oral presenters at the national orthopedic meeting in Bandung. The academic year 2015 has been very busy and productive for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Annual seminar by Subdivision Orthopedics has been very successful with significant participants from general practitioners as well as potential orthopedic resident. Surgery training for MD students as compulsory program has been excelled with help from regional hospitals and elective program in 2015 has been successfully completed by some international students from the Netherlands, Germany, South Africa, and Canada.

The Department of Surgery also endorses multidisciplinary care in collaboration with heart, vascular, digestive health care, transplantation, and oncology that can promote greater collaboration among specialists across disciplines and departments. In addition, robust research program has led to 12 international publications in 2015.

Year Important Achievement
1949 Department of Surgery established
1950 First surgical care and training for MD students started
1955 Surgical ward in Mangkubumi hospital established
1982 The Department of Surgery moved to Sardjito Hospital
2008 Semilumar valve design for Ventriculo-peritoneal Shunt by dr.P.Sudiharta,SpB,SpBS has been accepted and produced for patients with hydrocephalus
2009 Several complicated surgery procedures including Whipple procedure, radical neck dissection, vascular brain surgeries, and open heart surgery successfully performed at the Dr Sardjito Hospital
2010 Training program for four subdivisions within Dept of Surgery : orthopaedy, urology, neurosurgery, and pediatric surgery in addition to General Surgery
2015 First successful liver transplant performed at the Dr Sardjito Hospital
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